Saturday, 22 February 2014

Valentines Baking | Raspberry Macaroons

  • 1 Sachet of Macaroon Mix (Included)
  • 1 Sachet of Icing Mix (Included)
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 50g Butter
  • 1tbsp of Milk
Equipment Needed:
  • Piping Bag (Included)
  • 2 Mixing Bowls
  • Electric Hand Mixer or by hand
  • Spoons
  • Baking Trays
  • Grease-proof Paper

So, the first step is to line your baking trays with grease-proof paper so when your macaroons are cooked they don't stick to the tray. 

Then you want to get your 2 large eggs and separate the egg whites, this can be quite tricky so seek help if need be. You then once you've separated them, want to get a electric mixer and mix the egg whites until it forms peaks and becomes almost foam like. You don't have to use a electric mixer however doing it by hand takes a lot longer so a electric mixer is a better option.

Once you've whisked the egg whites you want to add the Macaroon Baking Mix that is included and you want to FOLD them in. Make sure you fold not stir because this creates air pockets in the mixture and that's crucial to create a perfect macaroon. Once you've folded it all together the mixture should turn a nice pinky colour, you then want to scoop it into your piping bag and this bit can also be a little tricky so seek help if you need it. The next part is up to you, if you want to make big macaroons you will need to pipe bigger circles and if smaller, smaller circles. Tip: Make sure you do them in pairs other whise you could end up with a random lonely one. 

You want to put your macaroons in a cold oven, no preheating, and put the temperature to 50'c so the temperature will slowly rise around your macaroons. You want to keep it on 50'c for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes of being on 50'c, you want to turn the heat up to 150'c for the last 15 minutes and at this stage they will be looking flat but they will start to rise within the next 15 minutes.

Whilst the macaroons rise in the oven you want to make the icing, for this you'll need to mix with a electric mixer the 50g of butter until it becomes soft, you then want to add the Icing Mix and the 1tbsp of Milk and again mix with the electric mixer, once it looks like the following you want to take your macaroons out the oven once they're done and let them cool. Once they're cool you want to spoon the icing in between the two macaroons like a sandwich and presto, you've got some yummy Macaroons.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial on baking Macaroons. It was alot of fun to make however getting flour etc over my camera was not a good idea. I'd love to do some more baking tutorials for you all, if you have any ideas on what you'd like to see let me know in the comments. If you recreate these macaroons or similar, instragram or tweet me a picture with the #BakingWithLola. I hope you guys enjoyed this, I know I did by eating them.

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