Hello Lovelies!
I'd just like to start off with saying that I now have a new camera, if you haven't already sussed out. I used to take my pictures with my Iphone which as we all know, isn't all that great? However, I've now upgraded to a Canon EOS 450D which is 10x better quality and just all round much easier and much much better. For me taking the photos for my blog is just brilliant fun and its just what makes blogging even better, so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. However, getting back to the main part of the post, lately I purchased this Bubble Barrelled Gift Set by Soap & Glory, I've always been into S&G specially their body butter so when I heard they did this big collection, I knew I had to get my hands on it. It's usually £20 however, I got in just in time in the sale and it was £10 which is a bargain for everything that's included.

Glad Hair Day Shampoo
Heel Genius Cream
Clean On Me Body Gel
Scrub Of Your Life Body Buffer
Hand Food Cream
The Righteous Body Moisturizer
S&G Head Band
I think for the price, it's a brilliant buy. I've always been into Soap & Glory and their skin creams because they always leave my skin feeling so soft with a really nice healthy glow to it. I must say, what I really like about their products are that you don't need to use heaps and heaps of the cream, a little bit goes along way and I always find my Soap & Glory products last for quite some time, which makes it worth the buy. The smell of all the creams are pretty much the same, but still really nice and sweet. I've always used the Hand Food Cream and the Body Moisturizer, however I think I'm going to have to go back and pick up the others when I run out because I'm really liking them and what they do for my skin, I'm always looking for a good moisturizer for my skin and this is definitely a good direction towards it. I'd also just like to add that it also includes their head band which if you have bangs like me it's a really good idea to keep your hair out your face whilst applying any moisturizers or creams. I think it makes a brilliant gift, definitely worth the money for me. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for skin creams because they're just fantastic and you really do see the results of using them.
Have you tried any of these? Do you use S&G?
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