Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Blogmas Day 25 | A Look Back

Hello Lovelies!
Firstly I'd just like to wish you all a very very Merry Christmas, I hope you all have a fantastic day full of love and joy. Secondly, I'm sorry if you find this post a tad boring however it was wonderful to look through all the photos from this year. Specially for Me, this year has been very emotional and stressful, however I've had the most fun I've ever had at the same time. 

Even though I moved house in 2012 not 2013, I wanted to include the story of moving house because it's been a hard and stressful move as money for us all are tight, but it's such a beautiful house and that was a big big thing this year, settling in and all that. As well as having good times, I've had some incredible horrid times too. Sadly, my Great Auntie died a few weeks back now and that hit my family like a ton of bricks, Her send off was absolutely beautiful, could not of wished for a better one. 

I've also had another death this year, my gorgeous cat Smudge. I know most people will think ''It's just a cat?'' but if your anyone like Me you'll understand how upsetting it is to loose a pet, it's like loosing your sister. When I moved house annoyingly, I couldn't take Her with Me so she stayed with my Nan however it was never the same as living with Her, I never got to say goodbye to Her which I think hurts the most knowing whether she died happily or not. On the brighter side of things, this year I've made some amazing friends and really come close to others. I also went on an amazing trip to Brighton to visit some of my family which was such a fantastic and fun trip seeing all these beautiful buildings and scenery, would definitely go there again. 

Overall, this year hasn't been all that bad. There's been alot of opportunities I would of loved to taken and I wish next year will be full of opportunities to take too. 

Have you got any New Years Resolutions? 
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