Baby Lips | Lip Balms
Hi Lovelies!
Winters come round pretty fast and I'm sure we all hate the dreaded curse of winter, of which is having cracked & dry skin.
So, moisturizing skin & lips frequently is essential.
I'm not too fussy about what lip balms I use, anything that smells & tastes nice is good enough for me really. However, I've read a lot about 'Baby Lips' and heard alot of people raving about them and thought why not give it a try? So I did, and might I say they are fantastic! My favorite thing about Baby Lips is that it has a hint of tinted color in it, so not only does it make your lips soft its also colours them too. Also I must add the packaging is so cute with the neon girly colours, I mean what more could you want?
I picked this one up, which is called 'Peach Kiss' and the coloring is a very subtle peachy brown colour. Each stick is £2.99 *bargain* however, if your looking for a pinkish lippy, you'll be very disappointed as it only slightly tints. But, overall it is a fantastic lip balm, it keeps your lips well moisturized and it leaves your lips with a glossy glow also!

I couldn't help myself, so I purchased another one whilst I was there.
I picked up this one which is 'Intensive Care' lip balm, this one doesn't really have any coloring to it but I often apply this over other lip balms to make my lips extra moisturized & still with a bit of colour!
I really like these, so I don't know about you but in time I think I will be buying the whole collection because they truly are just magical. I can understand if the price tag isn't within your budget so I suggest you just pick up any balms you can because you'll want to keep your lips & skin as moisturized as possible. Specially through the winter!
Have you already tried Baby Lips?
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