Tuesday 31 December 2013

Bubble Barreled Gift Set | Soap & Glory

Hello Lovelies!
I'd just like to start off with saying that I now have a new camera, if you haven't already sussed out. I used to take my pictures with my Iphone which as we all know, isn't all that great? However, I've now upgraded to a Canon EOS 450D which is 10x better quality and just all round much easier and much much better. For me taking the photos for my blog is just brilliant fun and its just what makes blogging even better, so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. However, getting back to the main part of the post, lately I purchased this Bubble Barrelled Gift Set by Soap & Glory, I've always been into S&G specially their body butter so when I heard they did this big collection, I knew I had to get my hands on it. It's usually £20 however, I got in just in time in the sale and it was £10 which is a bargain for everything that's included.
Glad Hair Day Shampoo
Heel Genius Cream
Clean On Me Body Gel
Scrub Of Your Life Body Buffer
Hand Food Cream
The Righteous Body Moisturizer 
S&G Head Band

I think for the price, it's a brilliant buy. I've always been into Soap & Glory and their skin creams because they always leave my skin feeling so soft with a really nice healthy glow to it. I must say, what I really like about their products are that you don't need to use heaps and heaps of the cream, a little bit goes along way and I always find my Soap & Glory products last for quite some time, which makes it worth the buy. The smell of all the creams are pretty much the same, but still really nice and sweet. I've always used the Hand Food Cream and the Body Moisturizer, however I think I'm going to have to go back and pick up the others when I run out because I'm really liking them and what they do for my skin, I'm always looking for a good moisturizer for my skin and this is definitely a good direction towards it. I'd also just like to add that it also includes their head band which if you have bangs like me it's a really good idea to keep your hair out your face whilst applying any moisturizers or creams. I think it makes a brilliant gift, definitely worth the money for me. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for skin creams because they're just fantastic and you really do see the results of using them.

Have you tried any of these? Do you use S&G? 
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Monday 30 December 2013

I'm a blogger, get me out of here! | Tag

Hello Lovelies!
So I saw this post and I really enjoyed watching this program so thought it would be a fun idea to do it. So here it goes:

1) You can only take one product into the jungle. What would you choose, and why?
I'd like to take something close to home like something to comfort me if I was to get a bit home sick, but if a cosmetic product it would be something for my skin so I can keep it clean and hydrated.

2) What would be your main pre jungle worry?
That would definitely be the spiders, crawling over you whilst you sleep, Ahh!

3) You have only 5 minutes to get ready before going into the jungle, what would be your quick beauty routine?
I'd put on a simple foundation and some eyeliner maybe with mascara and put my hair in something simple, like a bun or fishtail plait.

4) Last year we saw Helen Flanagan wearing her hair in a top bun, what would be your signature hairstyle?
I normally wear a very loose bun or loose side fishtail, so either one of them. 

5) For moral support, which female celebrity would you like to be in the jungle with you?
Demi Lovato, she is so beautiful and my idol. I love everything about her. Definitely her!

6) Everyone's given a role in the camp. What lifestyle skill would you bring to the camp?
I'm useless as cooking, so definitely not that. Probably the cleaning, who knows?

7) What one thing about being a beauty blogger sometimes makes you want to scream 'Get Me Out Of Here' ?
Taking pictures, definitely. Your always dependent on the weather/lighting to whether what quality image you have.

8) This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You're up for a trial to face your fears or try something new, what would you choose and why?
Well, my fears are spiders and no way would I face them. So, I'd love to try doing the skydive.
If you'd like to do this tag, then I tag everyone and anyone. I really enjoyed doing this tag and I hope you did too. If you've done this tag, leave a comment with the link as I'd love to read it. 

Do you watch I'm a celeb?
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Friday 27 December 2013

Snow Fairy Shower Gel | Lush

  Hello Lovelies!

 So lately I've been really into Lush products like bath bombs, shower gel, hair masks etc, and every year despite my new favorites I buy Snow Fairy Shower Gel because I just absolutely adore it, the smell is amazing and just heaven. Unfortunately this shower gel is only sold around Christmas time, making it even more special so I tend to get a stash off it until the next year.

I'm awful at describing how things smell, but what I do know is it smells delicious. It's like a combination of fruity smells, sweets and sweet icing. When I use it, I always find my skin looking alot healthier with that healthy glow to it, I've never had any problems with it and I definitely would  recommend this to anyone that likes Sweet Christmas smells.
It also says that you can use it on your hair too, which most of the time I do because the smell is too damn delicious. However, I feel it's quite drying on my hair and for everyday use I think it would dry my hair out very quickly.

I've also heard that you can freeze this shower gel so it becomes into a soap bar, which I think's really cool, you could even use it as a hand soap? 
I really like Lush, mainly for the reasons that it's all hand made and the smells are indescribably amazing.

Have you tried Snow Fairy? What's your favorite item from Lush? 
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Thursday 26 December 2013

Boxing Day | Lush Christmas Pudding Bathbomb

Hello Lovelies!
If you know me you'll know that I love most of Lush's products, alot. 
Lately I was given their Christmas Pudding bath bomb which has a strong lavender scent to it. The colours of it are amazing, once in the bath they look so cool. I think it smells amazing, definitely a to buy for next Christmas time.

I thought the smell of the bath bomb remained really strong once it was all dissolved, which was really good. I also really liked the colour, the water turned straight to a dark purple and the bubbles also turn to a multi colored mix. I think the smell and look is very festive, it's also a great decorative if you can resit using it until after Christmas time. 

Have you tried this bath bomb? 
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Wednesday 25 December 2013

Blogmas Day 25 | A Look Back

Hello Lovelies!
Firstly I'd just like to wish you all a very very Merry Christmas, I hope you all have a fantastic day full of love and joy. Secondly, I'm sorry if you find this post a tad boring however it was wonderful to look through all the photos from this year. Specially for Me, this year has been very emotional and stressful, however I've had the most fun I've ever had at the same time. 

Even though I moved house in 2012 not 2013, I wanted to include the story of moving house because it's been a hard and stressful move as money for us all are tight, but it's such a beautiful house and that was a big big thing this year, settling in and all that. As well as having good times, I've had some incredible horrid times too. Sadly, my Great Auntie died a few weeks back now and that hit my family like a ton of bricks, Her send off was absolutely beautiful, could not of wished for a better one. 

I've also had another death this year, my gorgeous cat Smudge. I know most people will think ''It's just a cat?'' but if your anyone like Me you'll understand how upsetting it is to loose a pet, it's like loosing your sister. When I moved house annoyingly, I couldn't take Her with Me so she stayed with my Nan however it was never the same as living with Her, I never got to say goodbye to Her which I think hurts the most knowing whether she died happily or not. On the brighter side of things, this year I've made some amazing friends and really come close to others. I also went on an amazing trip to Brighton to visit some of my family which was such a fantastic and fun trip seeing all these beautiful buildings and scenery, would definitely go there again. 

Overall, this year hasn't been all that bad. There's been alot of opportunities I would of loved to taken and I wish next year will be full of opportunities to take too. 

Have you got any New Years Resolutions? 
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Tuesday 24 December 2013

Blogmas Day 24 | How I spend Christmas?

Hello Lovelies!
Firstly I'd just like to say Merry Christmas Eve to Everyone! So, I saw this tag on the lovely Natalie's blog and thought it was a really nice tag to let you all know what I get up to on Christmas day so I thought I would give it a go. 

1. What are you usually up to on Christmas Eve?
Surprisingly, nothing much at all. I normally just chill around and watch Christmas films. However, this year I think I'm visiting some relatives.

2. Who do you spend your Christmas Day with?
My Mum, Brother and Step Dad, we open our presents in the morning and we all then go to my Nan's for the yummy Christmas dinner so usually I spend that with my Nan, Grandad and my Uncle & Auntie aswell.

3. Do you enjoy giving or receiving gifts?
I've answered this in another tag too but as common as it is to answer with giving, I genially love giving as I've spent a long time getting the perfect present I love to see their face when they open it, but receiving is great fun too!

4. What does your outfit consist of on Christmas Day?
I like to dress up for Christmas but still stay casual and comfortable. This year I'm planing on wearing my black bowed skirt with a tucked in glittery top, I think peter pan collars are so cute so I may even throw that in with the outfit, with some accessories of course. 

5. Do you enjoy shopping for your loved one's gifts?
Yes, I absolutely love it. It's one of the most fun parts of Christmas time, just getting together all the gifts, that and the wrapping. 

6. Have you ever received a gift that you disliked and pretended you liked it?
As far as I know, nothing sticks out. But I'm grateful for every present I get.

7. What would your ideal Christmas be?
For Me Christmas is about spending time with your Family of which I do anyway, to make it perfect it would be to spend it with loved ones that are no longer with us, I think we all wish on that one.

8. What is your least favorite thing about Christmas?
 Money, I think money is enough to put anyone off Christmas for awhile. I'd absolutely love to buy everyone in my Family everything they really want, however there's a thing called money, unfortunately, and the panic of everything having to be right and perfect, specially the wrapping up!

9. What is the best gift you've ever received?
I think all my presents I get are fantastic however this year I'm specially looking forward to getting my camera although I haven't opened it, yet.

10. If you could choose one person to spend Christmas with who would it be and why?
Although she isn't a person, I'd choose my cat Smudge because she was my Best Friend and I miss her so much.

So there's how I spend Christmas, I hope you enjoyed this tag as much as I did. I tag anyone that wishes too do the tag. 

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!
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Monday 23 December 2013

Blogmas Day 23 | Christmas Scented Candles

 Hello Lovelies!
If your anyone like me you'll love your candles, specially around this time of year. My favorite ever Candles are by Yankee Candles, they do the most yummy smells ever! They have a Christmas range and I absolutely love it, in time I will get the whole collection because they're all so yummy! 

I really like the sweet ones like Christmas Cookie and Cupcake the most because the smells are just so sweet and just so yummy. However, if you like the Turkey and Cranberry side of candles then they have that too, almost anything you can relate to Christmas, they have. I've currently got the Snowflake Cookie which I think smells amazing, like truly amazing.
I'm definitely getting my hands on all of these soon! 

Have you tried Christmas Yankee Candles? What's your favorite? 
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Sunday 22 December 2013

Blogmas Day 22 | Quotes For The New Year

Hello Lovelies!
So Christmas is just three days away and I'm absolutely so excited. I was browsing through Pinterest.com when I came across some really nice quotes that I thought had a beautiful message so I thought I'd share with you some of the quotes I found, what better way to start of a fresh year than being positive and full of inspiration? I think all these quotes should be used in day to day lives of everyone because they've got such beautiful messages. 

What's your favorite New Year's quote? 
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Saturday 21 December 2013

Blogmas Day 21 | Christmas at Trelawney

   Hello Lovelies!
So, If you didn't already know, Christmas is literately a few days away and I'm getting really excited! My Family have a tradition that every year my Family and I go to Trelawney Garden Center for their Christmas section because it's just simply amazing and we always pick up some extra decorations and pressies. When we arrive I was so amazed, this year they have added so much more stuff onto the Christmas section, including live animals! I thought I'd share some of the displays and some amazing things they have there.

Firstly we waked round and did some decoration and present shopping, they had some amazing displays of Christmas themes like beautifully decorated trees and Christmas tables. I think the highlight of the day was meeting the Reindeer's, they were decorated in these beautiful Christmasy harnesses and head bands, they looked amazing and very cute. 
For lunch we had a carvery, which was so nice. In the restaurant we were overlooking a beautiful lake. It was such a lovely day and it definitely got me in the Christmasy mood even more than before.

Are you excited for Christmas yet? 
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Friday 20 December 2013

Blogmas Day 20 | Winterlicious Tag

Hello Lovelies!
It's so shocking how fast Christmas has come, only a few days to go! I can barely control my excitement now, where has the year gone? I've got all my presents and everything is almost wrapped and most presents are collecting under the tree already, your never too old to be this excited for Christmas! Anyway, I saw this tag and I knew I just had to do it, it's such a lovely tag and if you didn't know already, I love tags. So, here it goes.

1. Favorite Winter Nail Polish(s)?
Barry M Christmas Edition with multi colored glitter, I think it's beautiful.

2. Favorite Winter Lip Product(s)?
Um, I really like Revlon Lip Butter in Candy Apple, it's a nice subtle colour and I also really like Colour Boost Lip Cray in Red Sunrise, that's a nice shade too.

3. Most Worn Winter Clothing Piece?
I got this brand new coat with fur lined hood, I've worn it out ever since so I'd say that but I've also worn a nice teal jumper with a peter pan collar alot too.

4. Most Worn Winter Accessory? 
Either my owl scarf or my panda gloves, both adorable if I must say.

5. Favorite Winter Scent/Candle?
That's really hard, I really like Fireside treats by Yankee candles. It's a combination of roasted marshmallows and sweets.

6. Favorite Winter Beverage?
Starbucks peppermint hot chocolate!

7. All time favorite Christmas movie?
I absolutely love Elf, it's just amazing and hilarious, best film I've seen, it always gets me in the holiday spirit. Although, I did see a film this week called 'It's Christmas, Carol!' which I really really enjoyed so either one.

8. Favorite Christmas Song?
I don't really have a favorite, I enjoy lots of the classics. I do enjoy Winter Wonderland though, that's a gooden.

9. Favorite holiday food?
I have them occasionally through the year but I enjoy Snow Balls around Christmas time, just all the coconut, mmm!

10. What is your favorite Christmas decoration this year?
It's not necessarily a decoration, but I bought a singing Christmas dog the other week, and he's adorable. My favorite I think, that and the tree of course.

11. What's at the top of your Christmas list?
A good camera. I'm getting a brilliant quality camera as I'm doing a photography course and means I'll have better images for my blog, so excited.

12. What are your plans for the holidays this year?
  I'm seeing close family members that live quite far away, so it'll be nice to be all reunited for Christmas day. 

I really enjoyed this tag and had alot of fun answering. I tag everyone and anyone, if you do one leave a comment with the URL, I'd love to read it. 
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Thursday 19 December 2013

Blogmas Day 19 | Christmas Gift Ideas for Cats

Hello Lovelies!
This is my cat Smudge, unfortunately she passed away earlier this year however I thought I'd still share with you a few pictures of her. I've again kept to Pets at home things so these are a few of the things I used to get Smudge and are good ideas for future gifts for any Cat owners.

A Cat Basket - Most pet shops
Cat Mouse Chocolate - Pets at Home
A Cat tunnel - Most pet shops
Cat Stocking - Pets at home 
Snowman & Reindeer Cat tease - Pets at home
Cat Collar - Most pet shops
Cat playing set - Pets at home or most pet shops
Cat Nip Treats - Pets at home

As most cat owners know, cat's love to nap day or night. My cat used to love to sleep on the been bag we had and I came across this cat been bag basket from Pets at home which I really like, if your cat prefers baskets than most pet shops will sell them too. If you haven't already, a cat bed would be a perfect Christmas present as it's every cats dream to sleep in comfort. If you have a kitten, you'll notice how active they are and maybe even just a hyper cat, I think the cat tunnels are a brilliant present as it keeps them busy and most cats can play with it all day. I also think the Cat playing set is the best present for a kitten because it's got scratch posts and also alot of climbing is involved to drain any extra unwanted energy. 

I think the mouse chocolates are a cute stocking filler, it's just like the sweets we have, but not as yummy for us. My cat absolutely loved the Cat teasers and when I found these I knew I had to include them, I think they're adorable and most cats will enjoy playing with them, I'm sure. I also think the catnip treats are a top hit for Cats because well, it's catnip what could be better? 
When we got my cat she really did not like collars, and so she never wore one which was a shame because I'd quite like to of got her some cutecollars however I never could, but I still think collars are a good idea or even a stocking filler, or even a present for a cat owner. If you've got a cat, leave a link to a picture of them in the comments, I'd love to see them!

Have you got a cat? What do you normally get them for Christmas?
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